№ 1 (19) – 2023
Y. Dushkin |
M. Halaktionov |
D. Tsapryka |
A. Chkalov |
A. Buz |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Душкін Ю. Г., Галактіонов М. Є., Цаприка Д. С., Чекалов А. П., Буз А. В. Оптико-електронні засоби розвідки, можливості та перспективи. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2023. № 1 (19). С. 68-73. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2023.19.68-73
As evidenced by the experience of combat operations of Russia's war against Ukraine, military scientists today pay great attention to the development of capabilities and improvement of optical and electronic means of intelligence. Modern scientific and technological progress and the latest technologies have influenced the development and improvement of weapons and military equipment of a new generation, which has led to improved technical characteristics. The speed of weapon movement increased significantly and this affected the time it was in the detection zone. Due to the use of special anti-radiation coatings, the weapon's visibility is significantly reduced and its effective scattering area becomes small, which also leads to an increase in jamming protection and an increase in the effectiveness of countermeasures against technical means of intelligence, especially radar and radio engineering. The scientific work is devoted to the disclosure of the features of the combat use of modern optical-electronic means of intelligence, which have significant advantages over other technical means of intelligence, provided that the latest technologies are used in a wide spectrum of frequencies. The analysis of the latest research and publications shows that special attention is now being paid to modern optical and electronic intelligence tools that provide surveillance, detection and targeting. It is noted in the work that the success of the combat use of modern optical and electronic means of intelligence will be only where they are constantly improved and the possibilities of their use are comprehensively expanded. Modern optical and electronic means of intelligence have many advantages over other technical means of intelligence. This is low energy consumption, environmental cleanliness, they do not require additional protection systems, relative simplicity of construction and operation, small dimensions.
efficiency, modern optical and electronic means, energy consumption, observation, aiming, concepts, obstacle protection, stealth.
List of bibliographic references
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