№ 1 (19) – 2023
T. Ivanov |
R. Bulhakov, Candidate of Technical Sciences |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Іванов Т. С., Булгаков Р. В. Обґрунтування технічних вимог до властивостей сучасних зразків рухомих засобів технічного обслуговування і ремонту ракетно-артилерійського озброєння. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2023. № 1 (19). С. 58-67. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2023.19.58-67
Today's realities have led to the fact that in various sources they are actively considering the issue of finding options for improving the system of repair and restoration of weapons and military equipment in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and improving (modernization) of mobile means of maintenance and repair of anti-aircraft weapons. Of course, in most cases, the subject of these works is the consideration of means of maintenance and repair of automotive equipment, somewhat less often of armored weapons and equipment, and, unfortunately, there are almost no works related to mobile means of maintenance and repair of missile and artillery weapons.
The previous article was devoted to the analysis of the composition of mobile means of maintenance and repair of missile and artillery weapons in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the procedure for their use. The issue of improving the existing mobile means of maintenance and repair of weapons of the missile and artillery nomenclature was also considered. The material presented in it created the conditions for justifying in this article the technical requirements for the properties of mobile means of maintenance and repair of missile and artillery weapons. In the opinion of the authors, it is appropriate to substantiate such properties as maintainability, technological equipment and cost-effectiveness of repair samples of missile and artillery weapons.
The substantiation of the above technical requirements will create all the prerequisites for the development of recommendations necessary for the development of mobile means of maintenance and repair of modern missile and artillery weapons, the main ones of which may be - recommendations regarding the basic chassis and body of a van (container), regarding the equipment and specialization of the workshop and regarding the functional filling and calculation of the workshop.
missile and artillery weapons, ground weapon systems, mobile vehicle, repair, restoration.
List of bibliographic references
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