№ 1 (19) – 2023
O. Semenenko, Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor |
A. Iefimenko, Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor |
V. Lukhanin |
V. Horhulenko |
Y. Dobrovolskyi, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor |
M. Yarmolchyk |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Семененко О. М., Єфіменко А. Є., Луханін В. В., Горгуленко В. А., Добровольський Ю. Б., Ярмольчик О. М. Методичний підхід до удосконалення імітаційної моделі опису операції угруповання військ (сил) шляхом оновлення порядку моделювання бойових дій підрозділів механізованих (танкових) військ. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2023. № 1 (19). С. 50-57. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2023.19.50-57
An analysis of the experience of conducting combat operations shows that a significant role in the operations of groupings of troops (forces) belongs to units of mechanized (tank) troops. The existing mathematical model of combat operations of units of mechanized (tank) troops in the simulation model of the operation of a grouping of troops (forces) makes it possible to model the tactical actions of units of mechanized (tank) troops, however, it is somewhat generalized and does not always meet the requirements. The article proposes a methodical approach to improving the mathematical model of combat operations of units of mechanized (tank) troops in a simulation model of an operation (combat operations), the main content of which is to use such an algorithm, which will allow more detailed modeling of the tactical actions of units mechanized (tank) troops. The novelty of the algorithm is the ability to: determine indicators of the priority of targets (enemy objects) on the battlefield during simulation, thereby affecting the order and sequence of fire damage; to simulate the actions of battalion tactical groups, which are widely used in the war; carry out fire maneuver and fire concentration during simulation; the ability to give orders for a fire defeat in manual mode, thereby simulating the target designation of the commander; etc.
simulation modeling, modeling of tactical actions of subunits, grouping, weapons and military equipment, counter-offensive operation, mechanized (tank) troops, effectiveness of combat operations, grouping of troops (forces) operation, fire engagement, target designation.
List of bibliographic references
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