№ 1 (19) – 2023
V. Mamich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor |
M. Halaktionov |
Y. Dushkin |
A. Chkalov |
D. Tsapryka |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Маміч В. В., Галактіонов М. Є., Душкін Ю. Г., Чкалов А. П., Цаприка Д. С. Аналіз можливостей протидії безпілотним летальним апаратам. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2023. № 1 (19). С. 17-22. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2023.19.17-22
This scientific work examines the main approaches to the modern classification of unmanned aerial vehicles. It was noted that in the zone of full-scale invasion in the east of Ukraine, Russian troops and private military companies of Russia use them to solve strategic, operational and tactical tasks. It was noted that with the development of modern technologies, it became possible to manufacture unmanned aerial vehicles with smaller dimensions, but with better capabilities for conducting constant reconnaissance, delivering massive surprise strikes using barrage ammunition, which made it much more difficult to fight them with air defense means and forces. All this is because traditional types of air defense weapons are designed to destroy large and distant targets, while modern drones consist of nano-, micro- and mini-devices flying at low and super low altitudes. Various means of destroying unmanned aerial vehicles were considered, a comparative analysis of modern countermeasures against unmanned aerial vehicles was carried out, and conclusions were drawn regarding the possibility of their comprehensive use in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In this paper, an analysis of the possibilities of reducing the effectiveness of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the hybrid war waged by Russia in Ukraine today was carried out, the trends of the combat use of unmanned aerial vehicles in solving combat tasks in modern combat were revealed. This article also considers the possibilities of countering unmanned aerial vehicles that are controlled by an operator through control channels that are controlled automatically and with combined control. As a result of the conducted research, the possibilities for their destruction by various means of fire destruction were determined.
unmanned aerial vehicles, analysis, hybrid warfare, countermeasures, classification, trends, effectiveness, combat tasks, operator, control channels, research.
List of bibliographic references
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