V. Neroba |
ABSTRACT The article investigates the conditions and factors that will affect the functioning of the specific mine exploration facilities when installed on an unmanned aerial vehicle. The analysis of conditions and factors was carried out with preliminary determination of the general performance indicators of the specific technical means of mine exploration, which include: the probability of detection and recognition of mines (contour of mines) by the operator (pilot operator) on the display screen; the scale of the image of the mine (contour of the mine) on the display screen; viewing angle of the specific technical means of exploration; transverse capture of terrain during aerial reconnaissance by means of a specific reconnaissance technical means; spectral range of operation of the specific technical means of exploration and height of exploration. As a result of the study, the following conditions and factors were included: unmanned aerial vehicle; the task of finding mines; features of the area where the mines are installed; pilot control (pilot); weather conditions; gusts of wind; season; time of day; use by the enemy of electronic suppression and electronic warfare, as well as conventional small arms against a drone; drones vibration during flight; turbulence of the atmosphere; the use of adversaries in the field of land mines and the creation of false minefields management of specific technical means of intelligence by the operator (pilot operator); temperature mode; availability of min signatures base. It is concluded that the results of the study of conditions and factors that will affect the functioning of the specific intelligence means are the basis for the development of relevant requirements for the specific intelligence means of the visible and infrared ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. |
KEYWORDS Mine, exploration, unmanned aerial vehicle, conditions, factors. |
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